Blog Articles

Is Your Team A Safe Place?
The Scene. A recent team offsite of a coaching client. The facilitator is skillfully working the leadership team through the findings of a team effectiveness

Reasons to Quit Your Leadership Job: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Why quit your job? There are good — and not-so-good — reasons to consider. What are those reasons? The answer: it depends.

It’s Lonely at the Top: New Insights on an Old Issue
The Scene. A local restaurant at mid-day. I’m seated in a booth, awaiting a new CEO client who is passing through town. I arrived early so

The Secret to Good Leadership: Solving the Mystery…or Not?
Good leadership is bringing forth the best in ourselves and others in pursuit of meaningful goals. There is no single fundamental “leadership secret” to it.

Too Big to Fail? 7 Steps to Leading Without Fear
How can we free ourselves from a fear of failure, that sense of anxious concern that so many leaders express? Here are exercises to help.

Emergent Leadership: 3 Simple Steps to Everyday Acts of Greatness
The Scene. Early morning commuter plane filled with 70% corporate types and 30% vacationers. A regular route I’ve flown many times for a major Chicago area